About Us
Capoeira through the efforts of the Capoeira Arte Canarana is fast becoming a recognized and respected martial art and art form. Since 2004, we have held annual International Capoeira Festivals through which local students and capoeiristas from abroad have a chance to exchange the culture and understanding of capoeira.
Capoeira Arte Canarana’s work has been recognized by the Singapore Sports Council in their Sports Education Programme, the National Arts Council’s Art Education Programme and the People’s Association through the capoeira lessons in the local community centre for members of the public. Capoeira Argola de Ouro Singapore currently conducts classes at the Substation at Armenian Street, the National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University.
Capoeira Arte Canarana also organizes capoeira demonstrations at Primary and Secondary schools and is recognised by the Ministry of Education (MOE).